Looking for inspiration? We love to curate the best Belbin content and leading thinking around leading yourself and high performing teams.
Have a look around and if there’s a topic you’re interested in or you would like tools to run a team workshop please get in touch.
Belbin, teams and the social contract
To achieve high performance, it is crucial that team members put an explicit social contract in place, by agreeing on accepted behaviours. Without an explicit social contract in place, it is difficult for teams to cultivate psychological safety and reach their full potential. Find out more how Belbin can help.
Coaching people through the Change Curve with Belbin
The Change Curve (also known as the Kubler Ross change curve) is a highly acclaimed and compelling model explaining how people behave and react to change and upheaval. Find out how the model can be integrated with Belbin Team Roles?
Suitability – the elusive ‘fit’
Organisations worldwide looking for a way to refine recruitment practices, from tech startups to established companies, have transformed their teams by integrating Belbin behavioural tools, leading to improved efficiency and project success. Read how Belbin Job Reports can help.
Belbin Job Report
When defining a job or responsibility, we often consider the qualifications and skills required, whilst neglecting the specific behavioural attributes needed to be successful in the role. Read how Belbin Job Reports can help.
Belbin Accreditation Courses 2024
Looking for accessible and practical tools to help transform how people work together? Add Belbin Team Roles as part of your training, agile, team leader or coaching toolkit.
How to fix a culture of busyness
In a culture of busyness, there is a constant state of urgency. The implicit assumption is that high levels of activity equate to high productivity. In this article, we explore seven problems with busyness culture, and how to fix them.