Looking for inspiration? We love to curate the best Belbin content and leading thinking around leading yourself and high performing teams.
Have a look around and if there’s a topic you’re interested in or you would like tools to run a team workshop please get in touch.
Suitability – the elusive ‘fit’
Organisations worldwide looking for a way to refine recruitment practices, from tech startups to established companies, have transformed their teams by integrating Belbin behavioural tools, leading to improved efficiency and project success. Read how Belbin Job Reports can help.
Belbin Accreditation Courses 2024
Looking for accessible and practical tools to help transform how people work together? Add Belbin Team Roles as part of your training, agile, team leader or coaching toolkit.
How to fix a culture of busyness
In a culture of busyness, there is a constant state of urgency. The implicit assumption is that high levels of activity equate to high productivity. In this article, we explore seven problems with busyness culture, and how to fix them.
Happy Halloween
Do you dive straight in and decide what it’ll look like as you carve, or have you been planning the design and getting together stencils and tips for weeks? Have a look at how the Team Roles might go about carving their pumpkins…
Stuck doing work that doesn’t come naturally?
Teams need all kinds of diversity, in order to survive. In an ideal world, teams would be designed for balance, not least in the kind of contributions individuals can make. We call these behaviours or contributions ‘Belbin Team Roles’.
Belbin and why it’s a small business owner’s best new recruit.
So, you’re running a small business and juggling a million things. You’ve got growth on your mind, clients to manage and an endless list of tasks. How do you even have time to focus on the people stuff without an HR department or experts to do this for you?
Career Support Initiative
If you or someone you know is dealing with redundancy we’re offering 50 complimentary Belbin Profiles and 1hr personalised insight debrief /coaching session to help uncover strengths and find purpose to take on the next challenge.
Resilience: solo endeavour or team affair?
A diverse and flexible team builds individual and team resilience. For this to work, we need to understand the resources available to them and to be able to call on those resources effectively.
Belbin and Listening Styles
Aligning listening styles and Belbin Team Roles isn’t an exact science, but we’ve provided some ideas and pointers. Read more here.
Belbin publishes results of remote and hybrid working research
Cambridge-based Belbin Ltd, provider of the globally trusted gold-standard tool for developing high performing teams, has published the results of its latest research around remote and hybrid working. Download the report for free here.
Eggcellent teamwork: How do you crack the Easter egg hunt?
Easter egg hunts: a tradition that’s as much about fun as it is about strategy, especially when viewed through the lens of Belbin Team Roles. Let’s explore how each role might hop into action.
The power of the collective: A journey across two coasts
Is the value we place on human connection and teamwork getting further down the priority list or are we experiencing a timely resurgence? Read about how getting out in nature can help enrich conversation and cohesion for teams.